Mindy’s Bakery

After prospecting several buildings with the client, DAAM was tasked with situating the new home of James Beard Award-winning Chef Mindy Segal’s new neighborhood bakery into a historic storefront in Wicker Park’s main commercial corridor along Milwaukee Ave. The design transforms the former restaurant space into a retail bakery with walk-up service and European style standing room only interior/exterior countertop space. Fold-up windows connect the retail storefront to the bustling of the neighborhood street and invite engagement from passersby. The facade design restores the original building with signage and graphics inspired by the lettering of an ancestor’s Chicago bakery in the early 1900s. Simple, bespoke millwork creates a backdrop of natural materials while the interior layout aims to showcase both the pastry and their production through crafted sight-lines.
Client: Mindy Siegal
Location: Chicago, IL
Size: 2,380 SF
Status: Completed June 2022
![240702_MindysBakery_Diagrams_Axon [Converted].png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ff3b255bd21de5b60b8b643/1a7424d9-1a26-4ec7-9d2b-49f887319dba/240702_MindysBakery_Diagrams_Axon+%5BConverted%5D.png)
Structural Engineer: Helen Torres & Associates
MEPF Engineer: ECL Engineering Consultants
Kitchen Consultant: Olympus Culinary Solutions
Contractor: New Moon Development Corp.
Photography: Mike Schwartz Photography